Midwives need to be able to do basic numerical calculations to do their job properly, whether working out correct medication amounts or taking other measurements.
A numerical test looks at how well you can interpret and manipulate numerical information. The calculations may cover fairly straightforward calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, fractions, use of decimals etc. The more practice you have of doing these sorts of calculations, without a calculator, the more prepared you will feel for the test.
The test will give you information in various formats- tables, graphs, pie charts for example. All the information you need to answer the questions is somewhere within this information, you just need to work out how to use it, and what the correct answers are! There may be some parts of the test where you are allowed to use a calculator and others where this will not be permitted. When you are not allowed to use a calculator you will be given paper and pen so you can do your ‘working out’ in writing.
Don’t use a calculator for these questions.
Now you can use a calculator!